A loan period for books and audio books is for a two-week period and may be renewed for a total of two times unless a hold has been placed on an item or the card has restrictions. Renewals may be made in person, by phone or online using a patron’s library card number. Check the library branch for circulation restrictions on special collection items (i.e. hotspots, STEAM kits).
Items may be returned to any library branch. Special collection items must be returned to the branch they were checked out at.
All overdue items must be returned and fines exceeding $5.00 must be paid before additional materials may be checked out or renewed.
● First time check-out is limited to two items.
● Initial library card is given at no charge.
● Interlibrary loan requests are accepted for card holding patrons.
● Items may be returned to any library in the Burnet County Library System.
● Unreturned items may be considered as an act of theft.