Chapter Book Readers
Our Juvenile section is geared towards kids aged 7 to 12 or those beginning to read chapter books up to confident readers.
Recently added Juvenile Fiction, Non-Fiction, Audio Books & DVD’s
Chapter Book Storytime
This storytime includes adventurous chapter books (read aloud over several weeks), games, and challenges. A fun craft or experiment will be done at the end of each book.
S.T.E.A.M. Kits
Our STEAM kits are specifically curated with PK-4th grade students in mind, helping to build skills and learning in circuits, robotics, computer science, engineering, art, language, creativity, math, problem solving, and more. The range of STEAM kits includes games, robots, computers, and phonics. Each type of kit offers unique skills and activities to students.
World Book Online & Student Edition
World Book Student is an online encyclopedia that includes eBooks, videos, activities, primary sources, read-aloud, and translation features. All available with your library account.